Boosting Quality Made Simple

A couple of darts in the center of a dartboard

I was born when the word “quality” would be used in association with Japanese products. But this was not always the case. They completely changed world perception using gamification!

Say No, For Productivity Sake!

Hand holding NO sign with a megaphone pointing at sign

Saying NO takes skill and it has a direct impact in your ability to manage your time and you immediately have productivity gains.

Rise Up When Working With Long Term Employees

Six people, diverse in demographies, in a meeting arounda table

If you think of how fast technology changes the day to day in an organization, long term employees went from paper driven processes, photocopies, staples, stamps, archives, typewriters to PDFs, touch screens and computers! The ability to adapt to changing times and keep doing your role as requested, shows a level of commitment that deserves all of our respect!

Startups: From Chaos to Success

Meeting of a group of engineers in a Production line in a factory

How monitoring the 4M’s it’s a simple way to know how to go from Concept to Mass Delivery Faster and give you competitive edge!

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