Tag: Talent Management

  • Birthdays Are Unique Opportunities! Use them!

    Birthdays Are Unique Opportunities! Use them!

    Last week was my birthday. Even if I was the type of person to be completely numb to my birthday, reality is that, during the day I received dozens of messages, phone calls and emails to celebrate my birthday. These affected my productivity big time! It not only affects me, but affects everyone around me:…

  • Rise Up When Working With Long Term Employees

    Rise Up When Working With Long Term Employees

    If you think of how fast technology changes the day to day in an organization, long term employees went from paper driven processes, photocopies, staples, stamps, archives, typewriters to PDFs, touch screens and computers! The ability to adapt to changing times and keep doing your role as requested, shows a level of commitment that deserves…

  • Do you consider behavior to optimize your business performance?

    Do you consider behavior to optimize your business performance?

    Any team’s performance or a business ability to change is dictated by each individual’s approach to the same issue, process, situation. The challenge is that everyone reacts differently, at different pace.