Tag: Tips / Quick Wins

  • I Got A Career Changing Tip Walking In A Coffee Shop For Directions!

    I Got A Career Changing Tip Walking In A Coffee Shop For Directions!

    There I was in Hampton train station in Melbourne, convinced I was in the right suburb for the house inspections that were going to happen for the day. I was a new migrant in Australia for a week and had to find a permanent place to stay quickly, as the day by day rent costs…

  • Are you a real problem solver?

    Are you a real problem solver?

    Back in the 70’s Japanese farmers faced a problem… Producing watermelons had the challenge of storage since they take too much space, and easily get damaged in transport… Anyone would drop this fruit and go to the next one but instead, these farmers came up with an idea: Planting the seeds inside a squared box…

  • How effective communication can lead to the reduction of time to market

    How effective communication can lead to the reduction of time to market

    From concept to design and then design to production, a product goes through the journey of creation all with the purpose of pleasing a customer. So how come the lead times and costs associated with this journey are enough to put some manufacturers out of business or to make some equipment impossible for organizations, such…