How Well Do You Lead Under Pressure?

Under pressure is a perfect way to know your true leadership style. Be honest: if something doesn’t go quite right and you know your department is accountable, what is your immediate reaction? Do you look for someone to blame and throw your team under the bus or do you keep calm and collected and take full responsibility?
Productivity And Micromanaging

Concerned about time management, your personal productivity and yet, you have the need to be invited to every meeting, consulted for every topic and have the last say about a simple internal email to ensure it is done right? Well, there is a big chance you are a micromanager!
Leaders, Take Not Of a Great Leadership Example

Although we are living challenging times, let’s all take the time to extract learnings from a great leadership example from the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
What Kind Of Transport Do You Use To Manage Your Team?

How I learnt there are different leadership styles and how adapting the right style can make a real difference
Climate Change and the Christmas Season

Have you ever wondered how a company’s strategy and commitment on climate change ends up being deployed? I do!
How product and software design can influence social inclusion

In any business, a well-thought product design can be the difference between success and failure. If done right, it can influence a Profit and Loss statement and cut substantially operational costs. But did you know that a product design can make a real difference between inclusion and exclusion of minorities? So, when thinking of product design the question is: how well do you know your customers? The importance of quality and well-thought product design can make a real difference to the world as we know it.
If you are in a C-level role, do you REALLY know what is going on?

Once upon a time there was a very hard working little Ant….The CEO thought “If Ant works well without supervision, will work even better supervised…”. So he hired the Chameleon!”. The first thing the Chameleon did was to implement a clock in / clock out system…